Wayne Borcher, COO of SSA, says that while the basics of data modernisation are simple to grasp, the accuracy of updated data is the layer from which the best decisions can be made. “With the speed of communications today, the last thing any company needs is to be caught wanting…
25 May 2018 is here - the day the new European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protection framework kicked - South African businesses possibly feel the new regulations don’t affect them. “We live in a global village now,” says Wayne Borcher, COO of SSA. “That means our data –…
With years of data stored across a variety of systems and an organisation’s divisions, data migration requires a system of bringing all this information together into a single platform and in a uniform, usable format. This is a challenging exercise, but one that enables companies to discover unknown potential and…
As a strategic enterprise technology provider, SSA advises on the establishment of a strong governance team and strategy before taking the digitisation journey. This means creating a blueprint that includes the establishment of policies and procedures to ensure your legacy data becomes usable, clean and valuable current data, through a…
Digitisation reduces IT complexity and fosters agility. For SSA clients, this means agility; the ability to pivot when necessary; future-proofing your organisation through continuous maintenance and development; democratising your data for maximum value; and creating new revenue streams with quality data. Specialising in digital transformation data management, SSA has created…
Digital transformation reduces IT complexity and fosters agility. For SSA clients, this means flexibility; the ability to pivot when necessary; future-proofing your organisation through continuous maintenance and development; democratising your data for maximum value; and creating new revenue streams with quality data. Specialising in digital transformation data management, SSA has…